Please Remember to “Slow Down and Move Over”

On February 5, 2015, Police officers from the Saanich Police, Victoria Police, Central Saanich Police and the Intergrated Road Safety Unit, colloaborated on a morning and afternoon “Slow Down Move Over” campaign . Officers were deployed to the Pat Bay Hwy and Trans Canada Hwy.

The morning campaign resulted in: 20 violation tickets for Slow Down Move Over, 7 violations for Speeding and 1 cell phone violation.

The afternoon campaign resulted in: 10 violation tickets for Slow Down Move Over, 4 violations for Speeding, 1 violation for inadequate tires, 1 No Driver’s Licence, 1 violation for Too fast for road conditions, 1 violation for Tinted windows, 1 violation for Yellow light, 1 violation for No Insurance and 1 Notice in Order for cracked windshield.

The Slow Down Move Over Law came into effect June 1, 2009, and so almost six years later Police in the Capital Region are still trying to get the message across to motorists. This legislation is not unique to BC or to Canada so it should not come as a surprise to motorists that the law is being enforced. The Law was put into place to improve road safety for police and emergency workers who are vulnerable while working on BC roads and highways.

“It is common sense to slow down and move over for emergency workers on the side of the road or highway.” The cost to motorists, who have to reduce their speed for a short distance is minimal compared to the huge cost to the workers if they are hit by a vehicle while attending to an emergency on the side of the road, said Sgt. John Price, Saanich Police Traffic Safety Unit.

Please slow down and move over when approaching emergency crews, tow truck operators, highway personnel, conservation officers who are working on the side of the road. We will appreciate it and our families thank you for doing your part to safe guard us.

Sgt. John Price #3

Traffic Safety Unit

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